Sunday 29 March 2015

Akimbo #1: Chapter 2: Night Sweet Night

It was getting late into the evening and the party had come to an end and the guests and invited personalities who parted with their various gifts, bade the family and other families present, farewell, and who in turn were bade farewell too, a warm one.

The house helps, from the maids, menservants down to the gardeners and gate keeper help together to put the house in order.

They (Mr. Ademola and Mrs. Ademola. And Akimbola) enter into their various rooms to have a long rest.

Shade on the other hand comes in hastily as if been pursued by somebody or maybe seen a ghost, but the fright was not there either, so what is the matter with Shade?

In Mr. Ademola and Mrs. Ademola’s room, the two couples lawfully wedded years ago, decide to rest after a long hectic day.

“Such a wonderful party and of course a nice speech” Mrs. Ademola compliments her husband who falls on the nicely spread bed and clings to the lovely feather pillow dearly.

“For sure, you trust me on that.”

“You should actually…take off those clothes” she suggests pointing angrily at his pretty attire.

“Alright, mom!” Mr. Ademola replies in humor and bursts into an uproarious laughter.

“What is the laughter about?” She asks now getting even angrier them before.

“Sorry, mom” it seemed to be fun and his mood increases more into a gaiety one.

“Hey! Change now from that…” pointing at him “…agbada of yours into your night clothes.”

“Yes, mom” His gaiety seems to increase even more.

“And do it now” she too seemed to be enjoying the orders she is giving. What audacity?!

Well, they say love is blind, love can really make one go AWOL (lost)

In this case, the man is the head of the family, but the woman is the commander in chief of the love existing between them.

In no short time they both have changed into their night clothing since it was actually 8.30 pm that evening.

Shade on the other hand, a fifteen year-old-looking lady, but, aging twenty in six month’s time, a student of medicine, already in her fifth year, was in her room pondering over what, only heaven knows.

The very brilliant and intelligent, strict and almost wicked, the very beautiful and attractive and almost tempting Shade already changes into her night gown which seemed to be fitted for her and it brought her lovely curves out for a sexy advertisement, immediately walks out of her room and rushes way up the staircase to Akimbola’s room.

She knocks and Akimbola tells her to come in when he realized that it was her.

“Happy Birthday, Junior” Shade compliment as she enters into the lovely room, with enough luxuries that suited his taste.

“Thank you big sis” He replies, lying on the bed thinking about what, who knows, maybe his father’s earlier on speech.

“Hey, Junior” she calls drawing closer to him and starring anxiously at Akimbola as if she would be able to read his thoughts.

Seeing that it was impossible to penetrate the stirring little mind of Akimbola, she snaps him off the long hard thought with a slight poke from her fist to his chin.

Akimbola startles himself up and looks at Shade. “Sis?”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, sis”

“Nothing?” asks in surprise “You answered me the first time when I came in, and, in just a matter of seconds you were lost in thoughts, something must be wrong”

“I’ve told you big sis, nothing’s wrong with me” he answers getting up from the bed and sits comfortably as if he had just realized that he was still in the world.

“You can’t pretend for a long time”

“Nothing…is…wrong, huh!” with a smile Akimbola politely tells of his assurance that he was alright.

Shade smiles and puffing hard air from her nostrils she shakes her head, leaving her grim to stroll towards her right cheek_ she looked really hot.

“Big sis, what brings you into my humble abode?” trying to create a scene for humor.

Shade sighs in frustration and looks again and again into his eyes and giggles still smiling and nodding her head.

“Well..” she finally replies and shifting her hair which seemed to cause a little distraction to her view, backwards behind her ears, “…I was actually worried about you, and, since I would be…returning to school soon, I wanted to see how well you are doing”

“Sister Shade! I am fine, I can cope” he assures her.

“But you can’t, you still have lingering thoughts crossing the bridge of your mind setting it in a rocking chaos” she still persists on his worries.

“Fine then, you are always recognized as a persistent being…sighs!” he sighs in frustration “My worries are about achieving Father’s dream goal” he answered.

“You don’t have to worry about that now you still have a long life ahead of you.” She retorts, smiling and patting the young man’s head.

“Yes, that I know but, how am I going to start then? How? I don’t have any power or wealth, how then would my dream come true?” his eyes navigating his socket, he questions himself and asks Shade also.

“Uhm…not yet little brother, but, for now, just help the helpless, that’s father’s goal at least you get your own wealth soon”

“R-Really?” in curiosity he asks.

“Yes you will”

“Yes!” jumping in excitement

“If you study”

“No problem. What about the powers?”

“Powers…uhm…not yet”

“You mean, I’m going to have powers when I grow up? What powers am I going to get?” his deep curiosity alarms Shade who stares angrily but hides it with an annoying smile.

“Is it super powers…like-like strength, flight—no flights are for witches…” curiosity!

Shade becomes surprised with the words he mutters especially the ‘flights for witches’.

“…or maybe time traveling or…or, wait, no, superman?! Since he has almost all these qualities and abilities…” he rants continuously as Shade’s frustration leaves her face to her fist which she prepares angrily for a strike.

“…superman could defeat Dark side with all his might but he couldn’t, if I were him, I would’ve immediately ended Dark side and brought his body to Kandor and then restore absolute peace to the whole world…” his curious ranting increases even more.

“Junior?!” Shade calls quietly as the young man still continues and does not even hear his own name been called.

“No…General Dark side also had amazing abilities and he too could have ended superman…”

“Junior?” her voice increases than the previous one

“…he only had the intention of making him suffer a bit before killing him, hah! A man of steel, how can he die? Impossible…”

“Junior?!” her voice increases again as she stared angrily at the blabber mouth.

“…for a man of impenetrable abilities that seemed invulnerable, he can’t be killed, but he had a weakness, meteor rocks and not only just meteor rocks but green meteor rocks…”

“Junior?!” she begins to boil up to her chest.

“…although his own weakness had several effects on him but…” now interrupted with a spank.

“Will you just shut up?!” she orders in anger and then sighs in relief as the blabber mouth complies.

Shade looks at the funny young man and immediately hides her hot temper with a smile and pats the funny young man’s head.

“You will have not just any power, but the one you create and not super powers. Ah e! You watch a lot of comic movies and your senses just blocked out like that, huh? En eh!”

The young man seemed to be paying a little attention and Shade notices but she won’t stop as she is the type who would finish whatever she was doing before putting into considerations the happenings around her.

“You better wake up to reality kid” she says in frustration that Akimbola could barely see but cannot understand one bit.

“What do you mean by ‘create your own power’?” he asks in curiosity.

”Comic guy! You must have watched Bat man and you’ve seen that he is respected in the justice league” she explains in few unnecessary but vital details.

“That’s really true…” he mutters “Uhmm…” realizing something immediately “…wait you watch comics too, and you call me comic guy, COMIC SIS” he protests, realizing been called a comic guy earlier.

“Did you …just …call me … comic sis?” she asks angrily.

Noticing this, instead of running, Akimbola jumps out of bed and stands by the door. He rolls up his sleeves and tries protruding the muscles on his arms as a threat and a sign of readiness, But one would imagine why so close to the door?

"Come on sis, no matter how strong or angry you are, even if you were to be my opponent and you are very big, mighty or huge, I won’t run away and even if it seems that I am loosing I won’t easily give up” A courageous rant indeed

Eyes filled with clamor with these words, she feels happy, but, hides it as usual with an angry frown and then walks hurriedly towards him.

Akimbola noticing the height and size difference as the distance got closer and nearer runs out through the door. Ah, now we understand why he stayed by the door.

“Such a kid” Shade mutters and smiles

“I wish he’ll have that much guts and strong will to really pursue father’s goal, hmmm………a fine boy with great qualities a fore runner he is, what about the true master mother is carrying in her womb? Greatness has visited this family indeed” she mutters to herself.

“Me too, this is really getting interesting” another voice from within her says. #

Akimbola runs off into a nearby room which was closest to Shade’s room.

“Should I hide in here, she’ll find me that easily, damn where else should I try?” he asks himself, and off he goes to another room besides their parent’s room.

“Uhmm…this will be good, but, nah!” he thought to himself and runs yet again to another room.

What a large house with so many space to easily get lost and the eager boy cannot yet settle for a place to hide at least, not even one in mind.

He runs downstairs and tries the bar, but the smell from the varying wine made it impossible to hide there and again he is left with just one last choice.

Already, Shade’s footsteps could be heard approaching and he better decides on a hiding spot or else he’d be caught and who knows what Shade might do to him.

Off he enters into the large sitting room with a Pasonic L.G television and a double hit system with a triple Decker and all fashioned and arranged to suit the Ademola’s taste, especially the luxurious sofa couches and settee.

He turns around looking for a suitable place to hide and thinking of a plan to seal his hiding, he snaps his finger and smiles.

<---Chapter 1


  1. Sweet..... Just a little bit of fun was more than enough for that gig there with Shade and Akimbo... Good job

    1. Thank you Mr. Krappy Joe.... Hope you've read previous chapters of Akimbo Forerunner?!

  2. Quite agree with Krappy Joe. However I'm guessing this story gets better and even more interesting...
    Keep up the good spread @ Kpotocomics...

    1. Thanks @ Daimond Jonzy and of course it certainly will get pretty much interesting along the way.....

  3. Mysterious Frying Pan31 March 2015 at 14:59

    Good work Kpoto Comics... Pretty much appreciate the entire blog spread and user friendly interactions with contents sourced on this blog... Pretty cool... I'm rooting for Akimbo, seeing that he'd go pretty far....Hope this story is gonna take a mystery or detective genre cos, it'll make more sense..(@ my opinion)

    1. Thank you Mysterious Frying Pan, Appreciate your initiatives and opinions, Kpoto Comics and its authors will see to it that it certainly plays every reader's way in one way or the other....

  4. From the look of things, this Nigerian story is going sci-fi ooo... @Conversation between Shade and Akimbo talking about super powers..... Waiting to see how Ikpotokin Samuel intends to blend two unrelated fantasies together....

    1. of course.. Thank you Sage Mustaphar... You certainly will get thrilled when other chapters begin to drop in right here on Kpoto Comics Platform

  5. Aint we forgetting something complex here @ Ikpotokin Osahon.... Ikpotokin Samuel and Ikpotokin Osahon sounds related don't you think so? Are they the same person or just related?

    1. Smart man @ Chukwuma.... Ikpotokin Osahon and Ikpotokin Samuel are the same person and that's the administrator, Kpoto Comics Platform.... "Osahon" is my native name hence the full name for the authorship of this book id Ikpotokin S.O (Ikpotokin Samuel Osahon)...
      Smart question though.... Thanks...

    2. Thought as much.. thanks anyways.. Love the write ups almost reasonable with the writer and author Sydney Ryan Grace of "The Moving Train" series.....Kudoos

    3. wow! So you've read that book series? That's wonderful... However, Akimbo is almost severely different.... I appreciate your responses.... Guess we have to brush up here at Kpoto Comics platform


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