Monday 23 March 2015


So the the internet and comic fans community especially in South Africa is buzzing about the full coloured south African published action packed #1 super hero comic book title KWEZI. So we went in search of it, read #1 and now we bring you a review.Click to read

Set on a contemporary South African backdrop, Kwezi a 19 year old boy that discovers he has superpowers, and so the journey towards his purpose begins.


Issue 1 begins with an armed robbery scene. The bad guys where having their way as the police where totally out gunned and “out sepd”. Just as they are about to say good bye and cash in on their 5 Million “Rand” heist they are suddenly struck by a fast moving object that breezes in from the skies. The robbers are rendered useless in their van which is now reduced to a compressed can.

It doesn’t take long before our hero reveals himself with much hubris and excitement, taking pictures of the robbery scene but not like you would see peter parker do in the Marvel comics. This time our young hero KWEZI takes picture while the whole neighborhood watches. No Masks nothing. He uploads his picture on twitter, just in time for the police to get to him and are about to bring him in with the bad guys. After a little banter with the cops, KWEZI disappears into the skies leaving the chief police officer wondering what had just happended and what this kid was all about. And he wasn’t the only one. The media fed on the story and KWEZI was all over the news. The first issue end s with KWEZI chilling at home on a call with his “hommie” about what fun he pulled the other then and the he is interrupted by a voice from out side. KWEZI steps out and find a culturally dressed and riding on a horse and promising to show him his destinty.


A good read for a ten page comic book. Lets start with the art. The art was awesome and even a comic fans will be intrigued by the line art depicted in this piece. The anatomy, perspective and positioning of panels where just on point. Surely the 28 year old Loyiso Mkize who is the illustrator and creator of this piece, had a plan and was aiming at giving a “movie” feel for his comic. The art however reminds you of the Super strikas Comic especially the hairstyle “Skeem Sam” who is head honcho of the armed robbery gang. On a whole the art was slamming.

The colours also was on point. CLYDE BEECH did a good job with setting a bright tone for the book which will warm up to both adults and youngling as well. The book seems to be aimed at kids and they definitely met that objective.

The general graphics on this piece also sold the book and the lettering where well done and well positioned on each panel. The free poster at the centre of the comic also did well to create an impression that something big was coming for those who had no prior knowledge of the book. VIWE MFAKU definitely did a good job on this one


The story…..was brief and straight to the point and some what just superficial. The book focused so much on the art and colours but very little was done in the script department. One would expect that a first issue comic like this would do well to establish the characters, at least the our main protagonist who seems to float around through the ten page piece. Who is he, what does he do. How come no one seems toi know his name until now even though he is a celebrity on social media. Why where the police at a loss to who he was and so me other questions that roam through the minds of the readers. Perharps one would believe that the writer chose to create a form of suspense so that fans can go on to pick up the #2 but yet some little info could have been dropped as to who this KWEZI guy is. So much questions unanswered. Perharps more pages in the next issue would do well.


Well KWEZI #1 is a good read. It packs the fun that a comic freak would enjoy and the realism a non comic person would love as well. It’s a fun comic that has great potentials and is sure to strike a chord with may especially those who live in urban cities in Africa. The comic once again rides on the premise of what will a young African kid do if he finds himself with super powers. The team on KWEZI is just perfect and they should stay together. But we ask that more should be done to strengthen the story and give the fans more to read in terms of depth of characters and story. This is definitely a good story and would be worth your moneys worth even though its free and can be read on the KWEZI SITE or on ISSUU.

KWEZI comic credits

LOYISO MKIZE: Founder & Illustrator


VIWE MFAKU: Digital Art Director

PETER PHILLIP: Software Engineer

Go ahead and go read it and come back and tell us what you think by posting your comments below.

All images are copyright of LOYISOMKTEART


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