Tuesday 31 March 2015


The colour and art style is what first of all takes your breadth away when you open the pages of the very first issue of the DARK REBB comic book. Very creative indeed and different from anything being displayed currently on the Nigerian Comic Scene.

The use of electrifying red in most of the comic and even on skin tone gives it an eerie ambiance that wants you to start reading. DARK REBB #1 kickss off with the first page where we see a group of under world criminals scuttling to secure some explosives out of their ware house. From their discussion its obvious that Dark Rebb had been causing them a whole lot of trouble and such talk of her only brings more panick and…DARK REBB herself rides in from no where into the second page and wreck mayhem and destruction upon the criminals. But it seems that she is not after the small fries tonight “It seems this is going to take longer than I expected” Dark Rebb said. “No sign of METAL JORK here, just a bunch of SADOWA orporation MAGGOTS”

With a swift of her guns, DARK REBB takes them all down except one from whom she was able to get some vital information. Meanwhile in satellite town another set of thieves argue over sharing their loot and POW once again the might DARK REBB crashes in through the door and takes them out but only to be interrupted by another goon, ZELBARTER. Its not clear the relationship between this new guy ZELBARTER and DARK REBB but all we know is that they both start chatting away and shooting together as a team even though their dialogue suggests that they don’t know each other.

“Who are you? Because you don’t look or sound like a cop to me” DARK REBB asks pointing her gun in Zelbarters face.

“Its advisable you putt down your gun, young lady” ZELBARTER responds with his gun sticking right up DARK REBBS nose. The six page preview copy ends with Dark rebb and Zelbarter shooting the armed robbers like too jolly partners from another comic title.

"Dark rebb" #1 is an uneven and underwhelming debut, reading more like a trigger filled, kill all type of comic book. The reddish look of the comic actually prepares your mind for what you are about to see however the story telling seems to fall short of what is expected of a preview comic. We do not see a deep sense of characterization and the heroe seems to float all through the 6 pages without us getting a feel of who she is and why she does what she does, And we still don’t know who METAL JORK is?

However the art is on point and the layout very impressive as the story flows from panel to panel and page to page without a disconnect.

It’s an action packed fun read comic.

Dark Rebb is published by OEVAL comics. Story and Art by John Supremoz, Graphics by Hothands studios, editor: Millicent Elekwach and the Cover page was drawn by Michael Okoroagha.

DARK REBB hits the internet in December so watch out!



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