Tuesday 31 March 2015



The comic scene in Africa is getting bigger with each year and looks like its about to explode with several Comic Cons springing up. One of such is the Zimbabwe Comic Con happening in April in Harare. While others still argue on whether what we actually have can be called an Industy Eugene Mapondera takes a dive and analysis if really comics is serious business. Check out excerpts from the article after the cut

Its not uncommon in Africa to hear questions directed at people who make a living creating comic books or in the arts like, “Are comic books serious business?” or “Aren’t comic books for children?” . Most professionals and parents to young people in Africa who grew up in a time when professions like teaching , nursing accounting, law and medicine were the expected career paths find it worrying or bewildering at the least that a young person may seek to pursue a professional career as a comic book artist or writer. It simply doesn’t equate to “serious business” or “real work” .Comic books invoke visions of toddlers gathered around TV sets on Saturday mornings watching Tom and Jerry or tearing up a dated and boring newspaper cartoon after starring at the drawings for a few minutes. On this note This article aspires to look at the reality and viability of comic books today in the world and their potential in Africa. And hopefully will prove that Comics are “serious business”.

Check out the full arrticle HERE

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