Monday 18 May 2015


In the Ademola’s residence, Akimbola junior is still hiding that night and Shade comes out of the room calling on his name “Junior! Junior?!”
        “Hmm?!” she mutters and walks briskly into the sitting room. She looks at the pendulum clock ticking above the television set and it was 10.00 am.
        She turns around the sitting room and sighting a particular sofa settee, she smiled and turns on the TV set.
        She sits on the sofa settee and says aloud, not really aloud, but to herself and maybe a close by person. “The time has tock 10 o'clock and …I remember correctly, when I…was young and I normally watched movies this late at night. Let’s see if they’ll have any new film on the show segment today.”
        Luckily, God had answered Akimbola Junior’s prayers and Shade had fallen into an unsuspecting trap which initially was not part of what he had planned, at least.
        But unfortunately, Shade sits comfortably and eyes the sofa she was sitting on side ways, as if suspecting something, and she smiles and continues watching the soul captivating movie been relayed on TV.
        It suddenly was a perfect time to strike but, 
        “Akimbola junior,” Shade calls out, still sitting and watching the movie, “I know you’re hiding behind me, why don’t you just come out? Besides, I ‘m not going to hurt you anymore, moreover this film……… is too……… much” she says.
        “How…...” Akimbola mutters coming out from behind the sofa settee Shade was sitting on   “…did…you…know …. Know… that ….. I ….. I was hiding behind this chair?” Akimbola asks in surprise or rather in a stammering surprise.
        Shade turns and looks at the young man with a smile and gestures him to take a seat beside her.
        ‘How?...’  ‘Are you?....’  ‘why?' so many questions mumbling on his lips, many questions hanging down his tongue waiting desperately for an answer, as  he comes to take a seat by her right hand.
        “I didn’t know, but I had reasons to be suspicious and your eager movement behind the chair made me realize at once that it was you” Shade says smiling and still concentrated on her movie.
        “Well…” She mutters and turns to the young man who is so curious and stupidly anxious to hear more, “… It is my fifth lesson, to always watch my back even when I’m amongst friends and relatives, so as to prepare for the unexpected”. She says.
        No wonder her gawky gaze at everybody during the party celebration.
        “Do you belong to any society or …?” tiring to Shade, but interrupted
        “I am a person who walks and works ways wonderfully well when words wander wherever wearing warring wraps where worse waves wandered” she says almost fluently, and wow she’s a poet, playing on words in such a descriptive language must mean; she is indeed one, and most surprisingly, very fast and fluent, not even missing a word.
        A very difficult thing to imagine, what she meant by what she had said.
        Akimbola junior is more than surprised and looks at Shade with an even more annoying smile.
        “So, you know how to play on alliterating words especially with the “W” sound?” He asks
        “Hmm? Giggle!” She mutters and giggles
        “Wow, this is interesting”
        “You’ve really grown, junior” she said smiling at the young man whose smile was still flaring.
        “Sis, can you explain what you mean by the ‘who work, walk, when’, whatever you were saying?” He still put up for a little one, although he couldn’t actually fix them up in statements and was not very fluent enough.
        “And, I thought you’ve grown" She retorts and frowns, but, the grim still remains.
        “Huh? I’ve grown up so big that you can’t even see me”
        “Where?” Eyeing him from his head down since the young man was still growing and besides, doesn’t even understand what the growth Shade was referring to meant.
        “Well…” looking closely, at himself, and not seeing anything to compare his theory, he frowns.
        “You see, you’re still not yet matured”. Shade replies, since no reply had come from Akimbola Junior, at least, what she wanted to hear.
“Fine, you just tell me what you meant by your statement”
“What statement?” She asked, wanting him to be more specific.
“The previous statement”
“I can’t recall, will you help me?”
“Come on sister Shade, don’t play with my brain” He pleads and tries to beg her audience since she was now focused on the TV set.
“I sincerely don’t know what you’re ranting about, can you enlighten me?” with her left hand, wands her long curly hair backwards-which seemed to cause a little distraction, she says.
She looked even more beautiful when she does this, and most especially her lively grim.
He grunts abruptly and takes one of the feather pillow and uses it on Shade, at least, to get her divided attention.
“Hey ! what’s that for?” She asks
“I will hit you more and more until my question gets an answer” Preparing the pillow for yet another hit he says.
And again, Junior hits her with the pillow, but she was quick enough to block the hits and immediately snatches the pillow from him.
Akimbola Junior hurriedly gets another and prepares for another attack and says “Are you telling me or not”
He seemed to be pestering the young lady who was enjoying the interesting scene of the movie.
“Alright then” She says with a sigh of frustration and then turns to the young man now standing beside her, “…It means that I walk and work alone” She says in addition to her frustrating head shake.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, then, let me tell you a story” She says beckoning to the young man to come closer to have his seat.
“A story? What am I a kid?”
“You will find this story very antagonizing” She says still gesturing him to come have his seat.
“What now? Antago…what?”
“Antagonizing” She pronounced well so that the young man would get it.
“That would mean ‘opposing’” He retorted
“Just hear me out first” She says.
“Okay then I’m listening”
“This is the story…” She mutters and clears her throat as she begins with a flash back.
“It is the story of the lone Shante fighter. The one who solved a little of the mysteries behind corruption and criminal activities in the University of Ibadan”


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