Sunday 11 October 2015


The Shante league is a comic featuring special characters who possess tremendous abilities as a result of an unfortunate event that took place in Nigeria; that is the four feudal states and the other parts of Nigeria.
The rain begins on a Tuesday which of course was actually predicted by the Nigeria Meteorologist Center (NMC) late before it was about to rain. The NMC were a little bit late at detecting the nature of the rain.
News soon spread about the whole country and the news press also took it, and amongst the news press was the Zone Africa (ZA) TV.
Worse news it was not only going to rain in Nigeria but also the whole world. Inotherwords, no escape.
Why such a late relay of such a thing? No one knows. It still remains a mystery.

News relay from the various correspondence in the feudal states were aired on TV and the States Emergency Commission (SEC) are been dispatched to the individual states to help calm things down.

Osahon recieves the sound signal and replies "thank you yetunde" In the city square, the statue of the Ogie of Benin stood pround until the powerful surge of the lightning strikes right straight to its arm and cracks it. The fore arm of the Ogie falls right down with a huge thud that quivered the earth like a giant thud, only to fall on the people who were running by and so many other casualties occur even with that of the other lightning surges and cars and people crashing into one another. The statue of the Ogie is indeed a mighty ond which was about 1000ft high above the 298ft platform on which it stood. It was made over some four thousand years ago and was made of iron, bronze and gold and ceramic-clay. One of the lucky survivor of the big fall cries out "This is judgement day, hey o!". Another, a bald head man with his hand on his head says "the gods are angry o!". "These are the assumptions of many and this storm is causing so many hazard to the citizens. The hand of the Ogie has been struck down and that means disaster. It took a hundred years to set up that mighty statue of the Ogie of Benin" he narrates from that satelite visual ordeal. He checks his news watch and it was 6:59 pm, just a minute to the rains. "It's about time for the rains to begin. I'm Idedia Osahon reporting from Benin city. Over to you Yetunde. Over and out." he ends his relay. "Thank you, Osahon. Please stay indoors" she advices again and warns. "It's about time now, over and out." she cuts up and so does ZA tv.

            *          *         *          *          *

Some seconds later, the rains begins its down pour as heavy as possible and the lightning flashes intense and the sounds of thunder rumbling like war canons. Those who were really afraid and superstituos visited their place of worships before the rains to pray just incasd. Outside in the rain was a native doctor (voodoo priest) who still dared to stay in the rain. He's name is Oboh Utanga, a deserted voodoo priest abadoned and ignored because of who knows what, and for this reason harbors hate inside of him. "Ha ha ha! The gods are angry. Ha ha ha. I said it" he laughs wickedly under the nature of the rain and does not get striked by the lightning or even burnt by the pH of the rain. He begins to recite incantations in Ïbo. "Come, show your anger upon those who defiled you, great one. Show no mercy, great one!" he yells in anger.

At the Nsuka High, the rain pours down so heavy and the lightening flashes becomes so consistent. There in the rain, under wooden shade-canopy were six children of ages 15 to 17 and this was their only shelter inorder to avoid the tenacity of the rain. Their sweaters were on, so the cold had little effect on them. "This rain is really nut. I don't believe these crap." one of the student with three tribal marks on both cheeks says (Ukpongon). The others were about to comment when suddenly a bright light cuts across the horizon. It was falling from outer space and it seemed to have no projection, like that of a shooting star (comet). "What's that?" one of the two girls present with a curly-whorly birth mark on the forehead asks in surprise (Ngozi Okoro). And BANG! goes the comet on the ground. Its fall rocked the whole school ground and the trees it met by the forest close to the school gave way on its fall. "That is not a lightening at all." another boy with a clear skin cut that suits him comments with his state of mind still intact (Rukewe Akporowe).
"Let's go find out what it is" said the second girl with a six-petal flower on her hair, pratically, the right part (Nekpen Idedia).
"That's sucide gee, and besides we don't know what that thing is..." Rukewe argues.
"We are not going. We won't enter the rain for that...that-" another boy with a face cap (James Akintola). But before he could complete his comment, the three have bumped off into the rain (Nekpen, Akande and Ngozi) in that order.
"I'm off too" says Akande.
"Hey wait up!" calls Ngozi. Both of them joining Nekpen in the rain who runs towards the fall outside the school. On getting to the spot, the three are surprised at what their eyes are seeing.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Nekpen,
"Cool!" exclaims Akande, and Ngozi does not react with words or muttering, but stares as the drop of rain that settled on her fine skin rumpled  down.
Behold a giant crater with a hemispherical arrow head shaped whatever, the size of a truck. Surprisingly, the know-much sister who unknowingly had strange markings of 'S' on her cheeks and head, says "It's a spaceship! A spaceship from Migör."
"How do you know?" Nekpen asks. "Huh?!" mutters Akande who always was very confused and never tries to think. The lying spaceship lay with several markings or inscriptions on it.
"Common sense. It fell from space" Ngozi replies still bearing the mark. Nekpen was not so dull and even knew what it was before venturing into the rain.
"How do you know the name of the planet?" she asks not still noticing the change on Ngozi's face. "GASPS!! Huh?! What did you say?" Ngozi gasps and mutters as the marks immediately leaves her face. "Wierd! Gee!" Akande thought. Ngozi was panting slowly and feeling exhausted as the many drop that pearched on her fbce rupled down. "Are you alright, sis?" Nekpen asks out of care. "I'm okay gee." she replies placing her forefinger and the first in a gun-point way on he birth mark. "Wierd!" "Are you sure, sis?" Nekpen becomes persistent. "I'm fine let's get out of here, Now!" she yells. "What is it?" Nekpen asks still not moving. "Wierd!" Akande mutters. He's so fond of it and some others. They could not read much meaning to what she wanted to say especially with the rain. "Let's get the hell out of here before... Aw!" she tries to explain but her head ached heavily instead. What was it that she wanted to say? Oops! I get it, the ship! It immediately starts to hiss smoke that coveree the entire ship and HATCH! the sound that comes from the ship. The smoke begins to die down gradually after the sound and the three gradually see what emerged out of the ship. They were surprised at this and "WHAT?!" they muttered in surprise. "Wierd! Ginks_" mutters Akande. And gradually it surprises the girls. Finally, the smoke dies down and a young handsome guy with a head band which bears a symbol that signifies whatever. His clothing was so good that I'd say he had a good tailor. Especially with the armory and gadgets. *the end*

Published online 2012
Print 2013
Revised 2014
Watch out for Vol. 2

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