Wednesday 21 December 2016

Season's Greetings!!!

From the stables of the Ikpotokin Family, we all wish you a splendid Christmas and festive season and also, a blessed New Year. Though, Kpoto Comics and Crew have not always been up to date about our comic series and publications, but in due time we would amaze you all, most especially our faithful and esteemed readers and fans. We also use this opportunity to invite suggestions on making any of the Kpoto Comics and Brothers' forthcoming Titles a success. We invite sponsors and donors and lovers of the Afro-Pop culture and art to assess our standards and help improve us. Also we encourage young writers and comicists and mangakas to join this Afro-Culture revolution.

Once more, Seasons greetings! 

Courtesy: Ikpotokin and Family, Design by KDJ, Shante Art by I-Kin

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