Wednesday 21 December 2016

Season's Greetings!!!

From the stables of the Ikpotokin Family, we all wish you a splendid Christmas and festive season and also, a blessed New Year. Though, Kpoto Comics and Crew have not always been up to date about our comic series and publications, but in due time we would amaze you all, most especially our faithful and esteemed readers and fans. We also use this opportunity to invite suggestions on making any of the Kpoto Comics and Brothers' forthcoming Titles a success. We invite sponsors and donors and lovers of the Afro-Pop culture and art to assess our standards and help improve us. Also we encourage young writers and comicists and mangakas to join this Afro-Culture revolution.

Once more, Seasons greetings! 

Courtesy: Ikpotokin and Family, Design by KDJ, Shante Art by I-Kin

Monday 28 March 2016

Sannkofamaan (Comic book Review)

Brief introduction to this amazingly wonderful comic book that I came across. It's called Sannkofamaan, a secret organization created by Dr. Afoakwa. This semi-secret organization is made up of para-humans with extraordinary abilities, trained and nurtured for the sake of justice in Africa. With the position of Dr. Afoakwa as a member of the AU musters more of his resources to developing this group.

This epic story starts with Dr. Daren, a physicist who majorly spent most of life in the United States, taking a flight back to Africa in search of justice and his friend, Kwezi, also a Sankofamaan. His first stop was Orin town where he showed us some of his para-humans abilities more like the white Zetsu from Naruto ability. He had used this ability to save the town and realizing the situation the community was facing had decided to stay a while and help them.....
Before going into the remaining parts of this epic story and all its saga, I want to commend Akinseye Brown the creator of this comic mover and Kazeem for his colorist techniques... These guys have done well to put up something of this nature. The story had me swinging in confusion before until I re-read the book again. How so? I had one story line in mind and to my surprise I got some shocking suspense in between especially where I got to find out that Dr. D aren't friend was also a Sankofamaan. Could he be the one causing the turmoil in Africa since he's gone missing for quite a while now that somebody actually felt his absence and saw the need to fetch him back. But still my guesses could be wrong since something else redirected the storyline. Bell oil? The nemesis he had to contend with? They had hired a demon which was at first literal until it became practical when Dr. Daren was attacked by a demon monstrosity alone in the forest. Every page culminated in intrigue and fantasia that could really jog my imaginations.

There were some instances where the drawings almost went out of line but the story kept me reading and it will also keep you reading. Too much effect? Not at all. This epic story of Sannkofamaan actually has the potential of surpassing some already growing African comics like EXO, Guardian Prime, Kwezi and the rest. It's a must read comic and you can do the readings @ Sannkofamaan 
Below are some preview of the book


Saturday 17 October 2015

The Legend of the Ogìsös CHAPTER 2 Enabulele (the one that must be followed) #1

Travelling hints:

“they must pass through seven forests from the depths of the colosal forests, cross seven seas and break through seven terrible storms at each seven mountains, they’ll encounter. Afterwards is the evil dungeon, the gateway to Asön”.

As they ventured into the thicks of the Colosal forests, they walked 6 days and they had not yet seen the sign that they’ll be getting near the first forest.
Rather they came across a small river. It was swampy in nature and pretty easy to cross through. But Prince Arhan stopped the entorage and warned them about the swamp refering it to an old tale told to him by his Grandmother, Queen Iviene; the tale of Prince Oehiemhon and the Amé-akobé (trap swamp). The tale had it “…one willing to cross, that billing ofcourse… a sacrifice indeed at trap swamp, to offer her a fair damp and swim in her abode for all eternity, lest no man cross over her… Only the man who is ready to lead, the man whom i’ll take instructions from and take heed, let him who is worthy and pure of heart come down to me and touch my heart.”

Prince Oke slammed at his younger brother yarning him that it wasn’t time to start considering fairy tales. But then, Egharebha, a fair lady who accompanied them advised that they pay heed to the tales of the ancestors. Afterall, they were the reasons they ventured into the forest.

They had to pick from amongst themselves, the one to enter the Swamp goddesses domain. Prince Oke was nominated since he was their lead entorage, but he refused claiming that he too had heard the fuller version of the ancestors’ tale. He enlightened all so no one would regret their choices to go or not go. He said, “…Indeed the bed for men and gods, she did roll for a mate to purge her urge…but alas a whore she became and none esteemed her weary grace… She swore to find her mate and the gods threw her behind the gate, there she searched until she mated with the swamp who gave her the ideals to never give up and made her steal whoever tried to cross over her forever… An ugly runt, a whore of the highest order..”.

Everyone stayed back, but they still had to cross the swamp.
After much rigmaro, Prince Oke finally agreed and dived into the swamp.
The others were pleased that one of the princes had gone but to their greatest surprise, Prince Arhan was no where to be found. Prince Èbubè (the last of the three Princes of Igodomigodo), pointed at the weary end of the swamp which was unsettled and whirly. They found Prince Arhan’s sandals at the bay and wondered if he too had jumped.

Then it occured to them that they too had to follow suit otherwise, they’d remain there forever. Crossing over the swamp was crossing underneath the Swamp gates, and the swamp gates are the Swamp Goddess’.
They jumped in too and behold a palace far ancient into time and more edified than any kingdom that would ever exist until the 22nd century…

How could an ugly goddess, a whore, a runt, possibly own such thrilling kingdom?
They had held their breath for long only to realize it was a waste of time. They could possibly breathe under water.
With their thoughts still nourished by the intrigues of wonder and nature, their minds explored the very facets of the roaming legend. “THE LEGEND OF THE SWAMP PALACE & THE GODDESS, OWIEZÈ.”. They never imagined there’d be a relationship between the whore swamp goddess and the most pretty goddess there ever was, Owiezè, the sea goddess.

Stories could not possibly bring these two tales to a pin-point, but it appears that tales were told for its folklore purposes. There were ofcourse, mermaids (ömamiezè) and mermen (okpiezè) and they roamed around the sea in excitement and jubilation always. Not because they had visitors, but it was actually their own way of life…

Just then a voice from closeby bidded them welcome, “Welcome to the Palace of the Stone Goddess and Goddess of beauty in her own pedigree, Mortals.” the voice said from behind them and it was a male.

But there was a difference in this tale that doesn’t quite match the tales from other merpeople story. They were categorically distinguished.

In what way (s)? Find out.

Monday 12 October 2015

The Legend of the Ogìsös #CHAPTER 1: The Hierarchy.

Just before the princes set out on their quest, they made one last request of their father, the king and mapped out the Kingdom’s layout until they return. Igodomigodo wasn’t any small kingdom as it was called by the god myths. It was vast and tearing out in population.
Control and order had to be restored since the people had already turned against the king, blaming him for the predicament that had befell Igodomigodo.
Chaos was even more of the latest issue on ground and the king’s Ogwahwan (stone soldiers) were loosing their cool and reacting back.
If this continued, the kingdom would be in a state of crisis without a remedy.
The first Prince, Oke, Arhan’s elder brother, mapped out the following strategy and presented his ideas in a summit that was immediately summoned by the King.
First on the strategy plan was implementing a newer state plan and order of respect and decency, an Order known as the Hierarchy.
From the highest to the least, the following where to take full administration of the kingdom to ensure peace, stability of power and most importantly the protection of the kingdom.
* the Crown (which represented the king)
* the white robes (which symbolizes the white chiefs)
* the red robes (which signified the governors)
* the royal guards
* the warrior’s guild
* the white dye (which symbolizes the ministers)
* the generalissimos
* the body guards
* the palace guards and police (mhuetin) team.
It was referred to as the nine line hierarchy of the Oghírè, the hierarchy meant to superceed all.

The chiefs argued about this new regiment but the king had to grant his eldest son’s wish and made it so.
Men were chosen from the people based on skills, intellect, amongst other features that best suited these positions. The highest rank the commoner got was in the soldier’s guild.
The Royals were given other upper ranks as they were the only legitimate holders of such positions.
In a way, these ranks quickly united the royals with the commoners.
Some of the council men and chiefs felt bad and secretly swore that the king would definitely regret his choices.

The hierarchy was set and the soldiers disbanded to camp while the Palace guards and police quickly handled the rioting situations since they were mainly commoners in the Police team.

The king later called the eldest Prince, Oke and inquired his new tactical plans and how he got them.

Prince Oke was reluctant, but the king was persistent and he told him.
“i drew this tactical hierarchy from the death songs of the ancestors who wail at Igodomigodo’s destruction. “The end is near, and here is there, all from one and one from all. Their songs still freshens my ears and my mind explodes at the echoing sounds.”

The king was indeed amazed, for the first time in a long time and blessed his son’s gifts.

On the other hand, Prince Arhan suddenly woke up from a bad encounter and pants as hard as hard could get.
What did he dream of?
Only a flash comes to mind, ‘the drowning staffed man in a fair regalia’.
What did this mean?

CHAPTER 2- Enabulele (the one who is to be followed)
Coming soon…

Coming soon on books at Copyright © 2013-2014
ISSN: 0352-505X

Join us on storylines…

Taken from a book on “the Legend of the Ogisos.” by I-kin
Copyrights©1999-2014 I-kin

The Legend of the Ogìsös

The Ogisos are from the vast and ancient origin in the world, an origin with no fixed begining and no foretold end. The origin from a place of pale remembrance and hearty recognition; The origin is the Great kingdom of #Benin
The Ogisos were men born to lead, favored by the gods to rule and bestowed with the authority to discipline. As is written in the historical books of the binis, there were 31 ogisos in the history of Benin before the son of Oramiyan (a descendant of the last Ogiso Owodo, who became a fugitive and left the kingdom to settle down in another land now know as Ife.) #histöiré
Each ogisos had their countenance on them and their aims and objectives were genetically the same but their principles were extremely variant.
Only an ogiso can sit on the throne of the king, no one else could unless the lineage had be cut which of course was impossible. There had to be one left, even though unreliable and criminal minded, only that blood line can head the kingdom. #true
This quest of the ogisos to provide for the kingdom protection and expansivity began with the first Ogiso, nicknamed Ogiso Arhan (fire) by his future friend Ojerhan (mysterious wood).
It all began with the Chief priest Thunder who announced to the sixteenth king of Benin that his blood line would be threatened in the future unless he quickly made changes by appeasing the gods of the land by sacrificing to them as is done in the Origie festival. Human sacrifices were the remedy for the Kingdom’s trouble.
Two years after the sacrifices, the same threat was revealed to ten persons amongst whom were
* Amadasun
* Ogi
* Ebhvota and,
* the king himself.
This troubled the kingdom and many more sacrifices were made to appease the gods. During that period, a thousand young girls were sacrificed and this though slated in the dusts recorded the highest death rate ever since bini’s presupposed origin.
Everybody stayed away from the wrath of the gods and been sacrificed, and no one sought to find a solution to the problem at hand. Since it was the problem of the Royals, let them handle it themselves. People started loosing faith in their king and blaming him for whatever the calamity was that later befell them.
Blah blah blah…
Arhan and his two brothers, princes of the sixteenth king, accompanied by several others who had the revealation ventured into the evil forest Asön to meet with the ancestors to seek their wisdom.
The king tried his best to restrain his children claiming that this was actually the threat. Going into the evil forest takes forever to come out of and it meant death to any one who dared venture into it. The king went as far as tieing them down to stakes, but the drive in them to go was extremely possessive. It was as though they had no minds of their own to decide. All that was painted in their mind was to go into the evil forest even if it meant their not returning.
Never in history will there be such cooperative #will# to do something that totally spelt their doom.

“An antelope that puts the hunter to the test gets a whole lot of exams to carry out in the hunter’s pot of soup” by Elder Kpoto #truth

Join us on storylines…

Taken from a book on “the Legend of the Ogisos.” by I-kin
Copyrights©1999-2014 I-kin

Sunday 11 October 2015

The Shante League #2: HARD DISEASE

...The story goes on...
"Hee-Hee is an alien. Grrr!" Akande mutters in fear and -RUMBLE!-
"I thought as much, let's get out of here before he sees us!" Ngozi suggested.
Immediately the alien saw them from afar and PUFF! he was immediately in front of them, most especially Ngozi.
He was super-fast and this surprised the three of them
"So fast" thought Nekpen
Both Ngozi and the alien were so close and he just gazed.
"He's gotten to us, what do we do now?" she asked herself "I'm not letting him hurt my friends". she said boldly
The alien just gazed in surprise not shown....
He hacked them down at the end and left them in the rain.
every beginning always and definitely will have an end. the rain finally ended after an 18 hour downpour and sooner or later the people and animals and every living thing that went into hiding came out and rejoiced at the end of the rain. although there were casualties, the people still were happy.
The medical team immediately went about their usual routine, only that today's own was a bit serious and worse.
The patients been brought in by the paramedics are given proper test treatment although the rain inflicted diseases on the patients and the doctors had no remedy for them just sedatives at least to reduce the effects before a cure is arrived at.
At a secret underground base, some group of medical scientists are having their full in researching and finding a suitable cure for this this HARD DISEASE.
In no time, the president lands at the base and with four body guards.
His tremendous talents helped a lot and also his connections and power.
He was assisted by Prof. Effiong whom he always refer to as a DWARF and Prof. Isoke whom he referred to as a BLUSH.
They finally arrived at a cure after many lives were lost especially Ngozi, but it was not yet finished it still required some finishing touches.
Suddenly came two unexpected guests; Bishop Ali and the Eastern Akpi Oracle herself.
They aided in the completion of the cure with their individual gifts and soon immediately they disappear, the President transfers the gaseous antidote into a V-rocket which was immediately deployed into space.
at last everyone still alive with the cure but under the prangs of the disease were released and they were free. Even the dead came back and some who died long ago (an hour before) could not be touched by the antidotes and beside that, their body had already began to deactivate.

Remember Oboh Utanga? he was in the rain through out and was supposedly affected by the rain in one way or the other even if his boy was still fresh and neat. but there was indeed a change in his body especially with the new sets of tattoo bearing a snake and even his eyes like that of a snake. What really happened to him? This and many more on Shante League's update.


The Shante league is a comic featuring special characters who possess tremendous abilities as a result of an unfortunate event that took place in Nigeria; that is the four feudal states and the other parts of Nigeria.
The rain begins on a Tuesday which of course was actually predicted by the Nigeria Meteorologist Center (NMC) late before it was about to rain. The NMC were a little bit late at detecting the nature of the rain.
News soon spread about the whole country and the news press also took it, and amongst the news press was the Zone Africa (ZA) TV.
Worse news it was not only going to rain in Nigeria but also the whole world. Inotherwords, no escape.
Why such a late relay of such a thing? No one knows. It still remains a mystery.

News relay from the various correspondence in the feudal states were aired on TV and the States Emergency Commission (SEC) are been dispatched to the individual states to help calm things down.

Osahon recieves the sound signal and replies "thank you yetunde" In the city square, the statue of the Ogie of Benin stood pround until the powerful surge of the lightning strikes right straight to its arm and cracks it. The fore arm of the Ogie falls right down with a huge thud that quivered the earth like a giant thud, only to fall on the people who were running by and so many other casualties occur even with that of the other lightning surges and cars and people crashing into one another. The statue of the Ogie is indeed a mighty ond which was about 1000ft high above the 298ft platform on which it stood. It was made over some four thousand years ago and was made of iron, bronze and gold and ceramic-clay. One of the lucky survivor of the big fall cries out "This is judgement day, hey o!". Another, a bald head man with his hand on his head says "the gods are angry o!". "These are the assumptions of many and this storm is causing so many hazard to the citizens. The hand of the Ogie has been struck down and that means disaster. It took a hundred years to set up that mighty statue of the Ogie of Benin" he narrates from that satelite visual ordeal. He checks his news watch and it was 6:59 pm, just a minute to the rains. "It's about time for the rains to begin. I'm Idedia Osahon reporting from Benin city. Over to you Yetunde. Over and out." he ends his relay. "Thank you, Osahon. Please stay indoors" she advices again and warns. "It's about time now, over and out." she cuts up and so does ZA tv.

            *          *         *          *          *

Some seconds later, the rains begins its down pour as heavy as possible and the lightning flashes intense and the sounds of thunder rumbling like war canons. Those who were really afraid and superstituos visited their place of worships before the rains to pray just incasd. Outside in the rain was a native doctor (voodoo priest) who still dared to stay in the rain. He's name is Oboh Utanga, a deserted voodoo priest abadoned and ignored because of who knows what, and for this reason harbors hate inside of him. "Ha ha ha! The gods are angry. Ha ha ha. I said it" he laughs wickedly under the nature of the rain and does not get striked by the lightning or even burnt by the pH of the rain. He begins to recite incantations in Ïbo. "Come, show your anger upon those who defiled you, great one. Show no mercy, great one!" he yells in anger.

At the Nsuka High, the rain pours down so heavy and the lightening flashes becomes so consistent. There in the rain, under wooden shade-canopy were six children of ages 15 to 17 and this was their only shelter inorder to avoid the tenacity of the rain. Their sweaters were on, so the cold had little effect on them. "This rain is really nut. I don't believe these crap." one of the student with three tribal marks on both cheeks says (Ukpongon). The others were about to comment when suddenly a bright light cuts across the horizon. It was falling from outer space and it seemed to have no projection, like that of a shooting star (comet). "What's that?" one of the two girls present with a curly-whorly birth mark on the forehead asks in surprise (Ngozi Okoro). And BANG! goes the comet on the ground. Its fall rocked the whole school ground and the trees it met by the forest close to the school gave way on its fall. "That is not a lightening at all." another boy with a clear skin cut that suits him comments with his state of mind still intact (Rukewe Akporowe).
"Let's go find out what it is" said the second girl with a six-petal flower on her hair, pratically, the right part (Nekpen Idedia).
"That's sucide gee, and besides we don't know what that thing is..." Rukewe argues.
"We are not going. We won't enter the rain for that...that-" another boy with a face cap (James Akintola). But before he could complete his comment, the three have bumped off into the rain (Nekpen, Akande and Ngozi) in that order.
"I'm off too" says Akande.
"Hey wait up!" calls Ngozi. Both of them joining Nekpen in the rain who runs towards the fall outside the school. On getting to the spot, the three are surprised at what their eyes are seeing.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Nekpen,
"Cool!" exclaims Akande, and Ngozi does not react with words or muttering, but stares as the drop of rain that settled on her fine skin rumpled  down.
Behold a giant crater with a hemispherical arrow head shaped whatever, the size of a truck. Surprisingly, the know-much sister who unknowingly had strange markings of 'S' on her cheeks and head, says "It's a spaceship! A spaceship from Migör."
"How do you know?" Nekpen asks. "Huh?!" mutters Akande who always was very confused and never tries to think. The lying spaceship lay with several markings or inscriptions on it.
"Common sense. It fell from space" Ngozi replies still bearing the mark. Nekpen was not so dull and even knew what it was before venturing into the rain.
"How do you know the name of the planet?" she asks not still noticing the change on Ngozi's face. "GASPS!! Huh?! What did you say?" Ngozi gasps and mutters as the marks immediately leaves her face. "Wierd! Gee!" Akande thought. Ngozi was panting slowly and feeling exhausted as the many drop that pearched on her fbce rupled down. "Are you alright, sis?" Nekpen asks out of care. "I'm okay gee." she replies placing her forefinger and the first in a gun-point way on he birth mark. "Wierd!" "Are you sure, sis?" Nekpen becomes persistent. "I'm fine let's get out of here, Now!" she yells. "What is it?" Nekpen asks still not moving. "Wierd!" Akande mutters. He's so fond of it and some others. They could not read much meaning to what she wanted to say especially with the rain. "Let's get the hell out of here before... Aw!" she tries to explain but her head ached heavily instead. What was it that she wanted to say? Oops! I get it, the ship! It immediately starts to hiss smoke that coveree the entire ship and HATCH! the sound that comes from the ship. The smoke begins to die down gradually after the sound and the three gradually see what emerged out of the ship. They were surprised at this and "WHAT?!" they muttered in surprise. "Wierd! Ginks_" mutters Akande. And gradually it surprises the girls. Finally, the smoke dies down and a young handsome guy with a head band which bears a symbol that signifies whatever. His clothing was so good that I'd say he had a good tailor. Especially with the armory and gadgets. *the end*

Published online 2012
Print 2013
Revised 2014
Watch out for Vol. 2


500 years ago, when the world was set in the abyss of flaring disasters, when the hopes for the future was totally eradicated and there was no salvation for mankind in any way, when grace was far away from the reach of man, and when death was the only way out of this faceless exploitation, there aroused a force to counter this disasters. They called themselves, THE RESISTANCE, they were not acting alone, they were backed by people who had the powers, connections and those who could pull up strings to actualize their goals. But soon these people were targeted and terminated.
They could do no further heroic acts and they were countered.from every corner and hunted.
Ten years from that dame time, the leaders of the Resistance were eliminated and there was no one strong and worthy of leading.
Owoye, daughter of thee former chief of the liberation force of Nigeria, daughter of a flawless beauty, Oyeme, came forth and gingered the group. It was not easy at first as they shut her down at every time she came up. But the war was too much. Even when they had been dispersed, they were still hunted. They could not die in their sleep, they'd rather die as soldiers fighting for their lives than been assassinated without a chance to fight. This brought them together to Owoye who still remained at the district.
They agreed that she led them since she came from a lineage of leaders.
4months later, the district was attacked and It was a bloody massacre. They had little or no chance against the Yuri warriors.
Little did they know that they were betrayed by their own, they were sold out by family, they were sold out to death by Jumekhan, who valued his life than the others.
They were surrounded and had no way to escape. Looking into Owoye's eyes, they saw anger, rage and something else.
"she could avenge our deaths, she must escape" one of them said in a low and discrete tone. With this they all shielded Owoye and fought their way through, creating a space for Owoye to escape. She wouldn't leave her people, nonetheless her soldiers to die in her stead. She cried as she finally made the escape. The together stayed behind and prevented the warriors from crossing. They held them but not long enough. The leaders of the Yuri warriors smite them into pieces for obstruction. They gave chase to the runaway and soon caught up with her. She had failed her people by getting caught. She could have been killed that instance, but she was a girl and they wanted to get her to ly in bed with them, or perhaps raped if she did not cooperate.
She was taken back to the Iroko fortress where she was hung, tortured and interrogated. They wanted to know if there were any other member of the Resistance still alive.
She said nothing.
For years she was tortured and played with. Soon she became worthless and useless to them and was to be executed at the Volcanoes of Uriga, close to the plateau region.
Just as she was about to be tossed in, she was saved by a strange figure all robed on white and with a golden sword beside him. Better still he had wings like an angel and he drove the warriors away. 
The angel took her and tend her wounds, fed her and sheltered her. She soon recovered from the shock and this being was still with her. Her first question was rather strange or not normal given the circumstance. "Why did you save me?" This was her first question, not where am i? What happened? Who are you? Ecetera. And the being little surprised answered "because i am your Guardian".

Reporting this situation to the Yuri leaders who passed on this message to the Dark Elders got angry and infuriated. "So he lives afterall. The guardians survived that attack."
"or perhaps just one survivor." This was their own argument about this being... Seems they too were attacked by the Dark forces. "we must prepare to destroy Avalon at all cost. They must be stopped".

The guardian helped Owoye fully recover and Owoye begged him to train her, cos the way he fought the soldiers alone was astounding. He agreed to teach her and train her. And soon their trainings yielded results. They went out to put in practice her progress in the Iroko town, where theft and felony was legal. They helped stopped the crimes and reduce the casualties that would have come to play if the Dark Elders were to intervene,  so their heroic deeds were discrete.

As every story should go, these two fell in love and were always together. They came up with the idea of building an army. Now, since the guardian trusts Owoye, he let her in on his secret; they had an army already at a place far into the sky, a place of shines and showers, a palace of riddles and answers. Before he could give the name, Owoye knew. She had only thought it never existed, but now it became real and not just a bed time story... This great city in the sky was the city of Avalon.

As they struggle to get to Avalon, they were always attacked and captured at some point and they make their escape. They were survivors and they made it to Avalon. Unknown to them, they led the Dark Elders and their various armies to this new city they could never have found. They were attacked immediately before they could think twice about the two's arrival. It was yet again a bloody fight and they stood little or no chance against the resurrected Ogiso warriors. They were powerless because of these Red beings called Ogisos.

They were outnumbered and the Dark Elders were winning, but they were not emotional; they did not show any sign of victory, it was as if they were disappointed or they were waiting for something else.

They were correct. The guardian got angry and flared up, this has never happened to these peaceful beings. The eyes of the Dark Elders dimmed with their eyebrows bent. The Guardian was angry that his city would be totally destroyed. The Dark Elders noticed that he was one of the strongest and saw his seals quite alright. They could have stopped him from any further progress, but they didn't, they were expecting something. They waited patiently.
The guardian summoned to himself, men and women powerful to counter the elders and another white set of beings to counter the Ogiso warriors; they were the kings and queens of Java, and the white Ogisos respectively.

The Dark Elders were pleased and smiled while they rushed to take their compatible opponents. The Red ogisos were vanquished by the where warriors after a long duel of Zukie Origie Igodomigodo. They both fought with the same techniques and skills, this they would not have done if they were alive.
The kings and queens took down the elders who were all glad and happy to be destroyed.
This surprises Owoye and she was inquisitive. The strain was too much for the guardian and he too was destroyed along with those he summoned to counter these breeds of warriors.

Years rolled by and Owoye was with child, the guardian's own flesh and blood, she was named Oyeme after her grand mother..
Owoye was still concerned about the behavior of the Dark Elders known to be impeccable, and so hard to defeat, dragged to the graves without regrets.
She could not find out why and passed this mission of hers to her daughter. She soon left Oyeme in the world and went up high to meet her love.

Oyeme took this mission a little less serious and passed it on to her daughters and sons till now, I am Oyeme the 17th,  and I have vowed to find answers.

There in a forest lied a cave and in that cave was a demon lurking in the dark muttering insulting words. "curse the Dark Elders, they failed me... They failed me, why?!"
These words he repeated many times and people who passed it called the voice and the forest "the echoes in the woods"

The Guardians, coming soon...
Written and mangafrique by I-kin busterer
First published online  2013 @ shanteleague


Twenty thousand years ago, there lived amongst men, those with special abilities, they were said to have the powers of the gods or powers from one supreme being. They used their god given powers to do both good and evil and, brought victory upon themselves. They were feared and respected all over the world and amidst them were the most powerful and deadliest: Buddha (from Chinese origin), Banjan (from Hindu origin), Cleopatra (from Egyptian mythology), Zain (from European mythology) and the Queen of Shades and Princess of Jades (both from Nigerian mythology) ...
There were other non popular people with these exceptional abilities, but the aforementioned were the most common .

Years passed and these blessed personalities began to fade away and their powers were lost totally. Their generations never possessed any of these abilities and their famous powers were all left in the history books and abandoned to the laying dusts.

Twenty thousand years later, here in the present, signs have been shown, deeds have been revealed, and visions and prophecies have come to fulfillment, and amidst those prophecies, were "On the eve of the summer slam, four weeks into the sun's highest peak, the deaths of old shall live on in the present and trend on to immortality" ...

The day had finally come and in the midst of struggle, warlord tyranny, bombarding and terrorist attacks, came an even greater fear, one that strikes down the very soul of the ears that heard or the eyes that beheld them....
They came up from the earth up to the surface and up to our dwellings and even further than us. They seemed to be surprised about our domain and it seems that they are not from our time

One of them, dressed up in her sexy attire and casual mood, claims to be the Queen of Shades. This was further proven by Prof. S. O I kin. With time we get to know the whole truth of the matter, and there is more, the queen of shades is not alone. She is with the Princess of Jades and the other dangerous beings from our past.


THE ANCESTORS coming soon


At the beginning of eternal doom, there lived amongst the efik caste a young breeder who could control nature's element, he was meant to fulfil the tale in the prophecies of Koboko, his name was Olise. He grew up as would be and he was physically and naturally fit. Like every tale would have an antagonist, Olise had 101 contenders, of them was the fearsome and devious, his treachery was spread from every thicks and thins of the world, his name was Oboh Utanga, son of the grand leader of the Ogiso warriors, son also to the most vicious princess in the entire bini kingdom.

Years passed for this young warrior as he continued to gain conquests in defeating his contenders, he was partially successful with one the hundreds, Joleye Bololo, a man well for his treacherous deeds and genocide. He was a one time accomplice of the legendary queen of shades, madam Oyeme. At the end he was successful and delivered Bololo to the elder gods.

His next terror was Lydia, a famous lioness who descends from the great links of the binin kings and queens, she was feared by her tribes men and her townspeople. She had amazing abilities that would make her defeat unfathomable. At the end he was successful.

He again took out the 99th of the hundreds and still he had trouble and was assisted by the the gangsters who were banished from the land. He made lots of mistakes but he did not let this weaken his goal.

At the end of the harmattan season, he decided to go face off the worse villian ever.
This was a great thing indeed but he was foolish indeed. He had been told that he was not yet.matured and experienced to face him, but he wanted to end the world once and for all.

We don't blame him for his guts, but at the end he paid with his life and that of his entire family.... No one knows what happened between him and the demon, Oboh. Forty years passed and the reign of tyranny soon died with the mortal demon Oboh. Peace came back at last.

Just yesterday, reports came in that there were murders and massacres everywhere.around Benin and all victims were females and the killings were the same and random.
These killings, I fear are the same with the demon lord's origie sacrifice. I fear that the demon lord have been restored back to life or perhaps has been awakened. You five have been chosen : Nekpen, Omoyeme, Osayende, Iwaye and Nosaze, you girls will take this mandate upon yourselves to counter this attack. If it is truly the demon lord, you'll need assistance from your yoda parents. This must be done. You were all selected members of the worst gang ever in the entire Binin kingdom and so you shall be called the combination of all gangs the SUPER GANG STARS.

You will come in the face of trouble but you'll overcome them...
I son of Osaigbovo, grand son of Edokpolor, the era nogie of igodomigodo will use my powers as a former Ogiso warrior and last of the white lords, to protect and direct you as you make your way past demise....
Omoedo wa khin.

Ashanzekpe my beloved go and do your kingdom great....

As narrated by I-kin

Time goes on and the five girls from the five gang crew came together to fight an even greater threat to mankind and themselves. Olise made stupid mistakes as a chosen warrior and as a man, why will the gods pick a woman, five women, five girls to deliver the land. This is damnation at its peak... These were the thoughts of the peoples and it was murmured around the entire provinces of the world...

Are these bunch of girls going to deliver the kingdom or are we indeed doomed.

Coming soon....

It's a preamble you can add your own opinions as they could be featured in this story......

Friday 31 July 2015

Shante League Volume 1 Issue 5 [Chapter 12]: Nekpen's Future Self

Sorry, this seems a little too not in line especially without the previous tales/references to previous issues or chapters. But this story do has its take. After the fight between the League members now known as the Asantis by local folks and Legions by the town's folks, a mysterious lady appears to deliver a message to them. Her beauty was impeccable, her smile was extraordinary and she was indeed a spectacle to behold. Nonetheless, she had met them in a roughened situation with one of the fearsome Nemesis; Hugo, one of the Migorians who had come to earth along Shante and Allahuk [you most definitely would know who if you follow]. Hugo was a type A alien and his abilities were off the chart. But Hugo was not the League's major problem but the news future Nekpen relays to the Six. They still did not believe her since she too was hiding her source of information from them. But the present Nekpen could see it in her eyes and the familiarity was callously expressed. However, they prepare to face of Earth's greatest threat ever, Oboh Utanga, who have since the beginning of this volume has been considered a tremendous arch nemesis for Akande and Shante. Tips: Oboh Utanga had just gotten himself powers beyond comparison and he is willing and mostly ready to take over the world as he sees fit.... Coming soon.. SHANTE LEAGUE VOL 1. ISSUE 5 [CHAPTER 12]

Thursday 2 July 2015

EXO CNN Report... LIVE

Is it time for an African superhero to save the day?

The original concept was for an animated cartoon, so he developed a seven-minute trailer to showcase his work. But after a year of shopping it to distributors and producers, Okupe was out of luck.
"A lot of people were afraid about taking a risk with a character that was from Africa because there was no fanbase to prove that this is going to work. I had people tell me, 'you have a nice product. You might wanna change some of the characters around...'
"I would say 'I respect your opinion but the reason why I do this is I grew up in Nigeria and I want to give the country a superhero. I don't want to have to compromise what the vision was to make a quick buck."

A platform for other artists

Refusing to let this be a nail in the coffin for E.X.O., Okupe decided to change tack. He turned the animation into a trailer for a graphic novel and collaborate with artists back home to help him color the world of Lagoon City and bring the graphic novel to life. He enlisted Ayodele Elegba as editor along with artist Sunkanmi AkinboyeGodwin Akpan (who designed the cover art) andRaphael Kazeem on colors.
"We have such a wealth of talent who are not getting the exposure they deserve. Most of the time when you hear news about Nigeria, it's mostly negative things. I'm trying to show a different side of Africa that people are not regularly exposed to.
"When I decided to make E.X.O, I wanted to make a character that was very intertwined with technology because that is a big thing in Africa. The tech industry is going through an economic moment -- I really wanted to shine a light on that and say 'we are doing great things in Africa. There are tons of people in Africa and it's really time that people pay attention to Nigeria and Africa as a whole.'"
Several months on, and the book is almost ready. The team are making final tweaks to artwork so now Okupe had to find financing for publishing. Wanting to also show that there could be a huge fan community for a product like "E.X.O," the resourceful designer decided to crowdfund the project.
"I had already paid the money for the artwork. All that was left was to raise money for printing so the goal was to get $3,500 to print 500 books.
"We hit that target in about two days and for the rest of the Kickstarter campaign we got $10,000. It was then that I knew this was the right path. Any failure I felt before -- not getting the animation, getting rejected by so many distributors and producers, people telling me my idea is not going to work -- it finally justified the fact I never quit on myself."
The graphic novel is set to be the first in a trilogy with a tentative release date in August.
"I want that if I put my book beside a Spiderman or a Batman or Superman, I don't want it to be like 'oh yeah, that one is from Africa.' We can also do something of great quality and put it out there for the world to see."
Read the first chapter of "E.X.O: The Legend of Wale Williams" below.

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