Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Guardians: PROLOGUE

500 years ago, when the world was set in the abyss of flaring disasters, when the hopes for the future was totally eradicated and there was no salvation for mankind in any way, when grace was far away from the reach of man, and when death was the only way out of this faceless exploitation, there aroused a force to counter this disasters. They called themselves, THE RESISTANCE, they were not acting alone, they were backed by people who had the powers, connections and those who could pull up strings to actualize their goals. But soon these people were targeted and terminated.
They could do no further heroic acts and they were countered.from every corner and hunted.
Ten years from that dame time, the leaders of the Resistance were eliminated and there was no one strong and worthy of leading.
Owoye, daughter of thee former chief of the Liberation Force of Nigeria, daughter of a flawless beauty, Oyeme, came forth and gingered the group. It was not easy at first as they shut her down at every time.she came up. But the war was too much. Even when they had been dispersed, they were still hunted. They could not die in their sleep, they'd rather die as soldiers fighting for their lives than been assassinated without a chance to fight. This brought them together to Owoye who still remained at the district.
They agreed that she led them since she came.from a lineage of leaders.

4 months later, the district was attacked and It was a bloody massacre. They had little or no chance against the Yuri warriors.
Little did they know that they were betrayed by their own, they were sold out by family, they were sold out to death by Jumekhan, who valued his life than the others.
They were surrounded and had no way to escape. Looking into Owoye's eyes, they saw anger, rage and something else.
"she could avenge our deaths, she must escape" one of them said in a low and discrete tone. With this they all shielded Owoye and fought their way through, creating a space for Owoye to escape. She wouldn't leave her people, nonetheless her soldiers to die in her stead. She cried as she finally made the escape. The together stayed behind and prevented the warriors from crossing. They held them but not long enough. The leaders of the Yuri warriors smite them into pieces for obstruction. They gave chase to the runaway and soon caught up with her. She had failed her people by getting caught. She could have been killed that instance, but she was a girl and they wanted to get her to ly in bed with them, or perhaps raped if she did not cooperate.
She was taken back to the Iroko fortress where she was hung, tortured and interrogated. They wanted to know if there were any other member of the Resistance still alive.
She said nothing.
For years she was tortured and played with. Soon she became worthless and useless to them and was to be executed at the Volcanoes of Uriga, close to the plateau region.
Just as she was about to be tossed in, she was saved by a strange figure all robed on white and with a golden sword beside him. Better still he had wings like an angel and he drove the warriors away.
The angel took her and tend her wounds, fed her and sheltered her. She soon recovered from the shock and this being was still with her. Her first question was rather strange or not normal given the circumstance. "Why did you save me?" This was her first question, not where am i? What happened? Who are you? Ecetera. And the being little surprised answered "because i am your Guardian".

Reporting this situation to the Yuri leaders who passed on this message to the Dark Elders got angry and infuriated. "So he lives afterall. The guardians survived that attack."
"or perhaps just one survivor." This was their own argument about this being... Seems they too were attacked by the Dark forces. "we must prepare to destroy Avalon at all cost. They must be stopped".

The guardian helped Owoye fully recover and Owoye begged him to train her, cos the way he fought the soldiers alone was astounding. He agreed to teach her and train her. And soon their trainings yielded results. They went out to practicalise her progress in the Iroko town, where theft and felony was legal. They helped stopped the crimes and reduce the casualties that would have come to play if the Dark Elders were to intervene, so their heroic deeds were discrete.

As every story should go, these two fell in love and were always together. They came up with the idea of building an army. Now, since the guardian trusts Owoye, he let her in on his secret; they had an army already at a place far into the sky, a place of shines and showers, a palace of riddles and answers. Before he could give the name, Owoye knew. She had only thought it never existed, but now it became real and not just a bed time story... This great city in the sky was the city of Avalon.

As they struggle to get to Avalon, they were always attacked and captured ay some point and they make their escape. They were survivors and they made it to Avalon. Unknown to them, they led the Dark Elders and their various armies to this new city they could never have found. They were attacked immediately before they could think twice about the two's arrival. It was yet again a bloody fight and they stood little or no chance against the resurrected Ogiso warriors. They were powerless because of these Red beings called Ogisos.

They were outnumbered and the Dark Elders were winning, but they were not emotional; they did not show any sign of victory, it was as if they were disappointed or they were waiting for something else.

They were correct. The guardian got angry and flared up, this has never happened to these peaceful beings. The eyes of the Dark Elders dimmed with their eyebrows bent. The Guardian was angry that his city would be totally destroyed. The Dark Elders noticed that nw was one of the strongest and saw his seals quite alright. They could have stopped him from any further progress, but they didn't, they were expecting something. They waited patiently.
The guardian summoned to himself, men and women powerful to counter the elders and another white set of beings to counter the Ogiso warriors,; they were the kings and queens of Java, and the white Ogisos respectively.

The Dark Elders were pleased and smiled while they rushed to take their compatible opponents. The Red ogisos were de-summoned by the white after a long duel of Zukie Origie Igodomigodo. They both fought with the same techniques and skills, this they would not have done if they were alive.
The kings and queens took down the elders who were all glad and happy to be destroyed.
This surprises Owoye and she was inquisitive. The strain was too much for the guardian and he too was destroyed along with those he summoned to counter these breeds of warriors.

Years rolled by and Owoye was with child, the guardian's own flesh and blood, she was named Oyeme after her grand mother..
Owoye was still concerned about the behavior of the Dark Elders known to be impeccable, and so hard to defeat, dragged to the graves without regrets.
She could not find out why and passed this mission of hers to her daughter. She soon left Oyeme in the world and went up high to meet her love.

Oyeme took this mission a little less serious and passed it on to her daughters and sons till now, I, Oyeme the 17th will find out why.

There in a forest lied a cave and in that cave was a demon lurking in the dark muttering insulting words. "curse the Dark Elders, they failed me... They failed me, why?!"
These words he repeated many times and people who passed it called the voice and the forest "the echoes in the woods"

The Guardians, coming soon...

#Adventure #Action #Comedy #AfroComics #SciFi #ShanteLeagueComics #KpotoComics #MangafriqueComics #Comical 

Written by: I-Kin Busterer

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