Monday 23 March 2015


I was enlisted in to the EKO MARINE CORP Special Forces training in EKO DEFENCE ACADEMY, Akodo towards the end of my twenty first years. I specialized in Demolitions and Explosive hardware.
I became a Demolition Expert. I was posted to the Ordinance Section of EKO MI8 (MILITARY INTELLIGENCE) as 2nd lieutenant after graduation from the Officers Economic School (OES).
My stay in the Ordinance Section was interrupted via my deployment to The FACT(Finance And Counter Terrorism) unit, a special task force established to tackle international money laundering, funding of terrorism and other national security related crimes within the provisions of the Security Threat LAW.
FACT is a technical unit specialized in tracking down terrorists, their funds and sponsors.
We detect their ghost bank accounts and trace the movement of the funds to specified dealers of various illegal arsenals utilized for planned strikes on detailed targets and we proceed to intercept and neutralize.
The “TEAM” comprise of young proactive professionals from Britannica Empire, Arcadian Republic, Tartary Empire and EKO Republic.
I was the only Ekosian chosen to represent the republic on this Elite Strike team.
“I applied for the slot 6months before the circular went viral, you lucky son of a gun. GBOSA! For you Segezy “said Ophidius my colleague and best mate from the academy to me as I boarded the EKO-707 Amphibian Helicopter routed for Kinshasa to resume duty.
“Call me when u touchdown. Am gonna miss u man” Ophidius said as the aircraft lifted off the surface.
OPHIDIUS SERPENTES is a mixed breed Ekosian.
His father was a Brazilian snake charmer while his mother was an indigene from the OLOWOGBOWO ancestry. He benefited from his mother’s ancestral heritage through his enlistment into the EKO MARINE CORP.
We were training mates in the academy and we both got posted to MI8 within the same Ordinance section.
A communiqué was being circulated in our division stating that interested officers who were willing to join the newly established FACT Unit should apply through the CO’s office.
The communiqué informed that there was only one slot for the most outstanding officer in the department.
Ophidius relentlessly tried to convince me to apply together with him but I declined standing my ground on my distaste for competition.
I wasn’t ambitious but Ophidius was, so he applied immediately the communiqué was released.
He didn’t even wait for the Circular, he hurriedly applied and his application was kept in view.
Serpentes was equally a good soldier from a generation of pedigree; his father was a renowned Occult consultant for the Brazilian government.
“The CO wants you in his office ASAP Segezy. What have you done this time?” voiced out Serpentes.
“Me? You know me well enough to understand that I have a passion for keeping a clean slate”. I uttered.
“Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Mr No- Nonsense. Oga dey call u sha” Serpentes said and he walked down the corridor humming our action theme anthem. I walked to the CO’s door and knocked.
“Knock knock!”
“Come in” answered our CO. The auto-door opened and I walked in.
“Sit down Alagbede. Did you apply for admission into the FACT unit programme?” queried my commanding officer, Major Adekunle Sekoni.
“No sir” I responded.
“Why?” probed the CO.
“I wasn’t interested sir?” I replied.
“How come the letter of transfer on my desk has your name on it?” My commander queried.
“I am flabbergasted sir.” He gave me a stern stare and handed me the letter he took from his desk.
“You leave first light. Kinshasa is the new location for FACT’s K branch. Congratulations lieutenant! And please do us proud. Eko o ni baje o!” said the Major.
“O baje ti!” I responded and gave a sharp salute, turned around and left the office en-route to the officer’s mess.
I was the only Ekosian member of F.A.C.T. at Kinshasa. My career with the unit took me from continent to countries round the globe requiring the services of this elite squad.
Eventually I was posted to the new E branch at Eko Republic. When I returned home, it was decaying from corruption.
I returned here on special espionage duties to unravel the activities of a mysterious crime cartel known as the “SYNDICATE”.
The SYNDICATE was a top level crime cartel with influential members of the society.
I was the best field agent ever produced by FACT.

Stay tuned to this blog for more posts on the BLACKSMITH CHRONICLES UNIVERSE.


To know more about the BLACKSMITH UNIVERSE look out for THE BLACKSMITH CHRONICLES ISSUE 001 coming soon…

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