Monday 23 March 2015


I played major roles in bringing down a lot of “SACRED COWS” like past military dictators, corrupt public and civil servants plus politicos and crime cartels throughout my tour of duty which started in Kinshasa.
Suspects were given fair trial and sentenced if found guilty. All cases tied to the new SECURITY THREAT LAW were forwarded to the WORLD COURT OF JUSTICE, Hague.
These cases fell under the category of war crimes, thus F.A.C.T. agents were sworn enemies of the UNDERWORLD.
Council members of the SYNDICATE are avaricious ‘gerontocratic’ despots of the society but their identities are unknown.
I became a cold war hero after a lot of major arrest of these crime lords and their cohorts. I felt fulfilled and thought “At last fate has steered me towards my destiny”.
F.A.C.T has a total of 800 agents posted globally to various target sectors. I was agent CODE NAME: ALPHA-7, my lucky number.
When I resumed at E branch in Alausa, the capitol city, I swung into action and soon became an Enigma within the branch in less than 8weeks of resumption of duty.
In a bid to bring down the SYNDIK8, I was sleuth and relentless with my investigation and so doing I stepped on toes.
One sunny afternoon I went on a courtesy visit to my father at Epe, only to find him lying on the floor of the living room fatally wounded.
I rushed him to the nearest EKO health facility where he was placed under admission at the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the facility.
“How is he Dr?”
“Not so good Major”
“What’s the matter with my father, Dr?”
“The cancer has gone terminal” said the doctor soberly.
“What cancer?”
“Oh! You didn’t know?”
I was furious. I couldn’t believe my ears. The great Ogunlagun has cancer?
“No way” I thought.
“Its cancer of the duodenum” said the doctor softly.
I was silent for a few seconds, and then I looked at his name tag. Dr Sanyaolu Oladimeji.
“Sanya, you have to do something. I will do whatever it takes to sustain the medication”.
“You have to understand Major, it has gone terminal. There is nothing much we can do at this stage. Let us pray for a less painful transition, I will do best to reduce the pain. You can see him briefly”.
I opened the door and entered the ward. I faked a smile and walked to Ogunlagun.
He had emaciated and was receiving intravenous sustenance in bed.
I couldn’t believe my eyes, in just 48hrs my father had emaciated nearly to his cadaver.
“The great Masquerade! How are you holding Dad?” he smiled back and hissed.
“They poisoned me son. Our Enemies” said Ogunlagun. I bowed down my head and sat on the bedside chair; I held my father’s left hand and gazed into his palm.
“Olokun. No! This can’t be happening” I wailed.
“Fi ara buruku bale. Don’t pity me you son of a lioness! Get a needle and take my blood for lab examination. Do you think I trust these quacks calling themselves doctors? Telling me I got cancer. Hmph!”
I hurriedly went for a needle and sample bottle and returned quickly with both.
“Hold still Dad” I tore out the needle and plugged it to the syringe and then inserted it into a sharp visible vein on Ogunlagun’s left fore-arm.
“Go ahead stick in the needle son” said Ogunlagun anxiously.
“I have taken the sample dad. Even in death you are stoic to a fault. I heard the cancer pain is excruciating”.
“The only pain I will be feeling even in death is you not unraveling this mystery that cost me my life. Find out what they poisoned me with and track down the source” said Ogunlagun angrily.
“I promise you dad, I will put away all those who are responsible for this. I smelt a rat from the moment I heard cancer. You are Stronger than I am father and they do this to you?”
“You have no idea who you are Ogunsegun Ina Alagbede! They took me down to get to you son. You are next, OMOKUNRIN. They are coming for you, so listen and listen well” said my father authoritatively.
A Black and White Raven perched on the window and gazed into my eyes. I was perplexed, I gazed back and images and texts flashed through my cerebrum.
I felt my left eye twitch. I felt it deep down something bad was about to happen. My father began to recite our ancestral native eulogy inserting my name into the lineage.
“Asiko to!” wailed Ogunlagun in pain.
To be continued…
Stay tuned to this blog for more posts on the BLACKSMITH CHRONICLES UNIVERSE.
To know more about the BLACKSMITH UNIVERSE look out for THE BLACKSMITH CHRONICLES ISSUE 001 coming soon…

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